Litigation financing provides a great tool for lawsuit plaintiffs who are pursuing lawsuits and who need money before the case settles. Unfortunately, legal cases can take years to unfold. For people who have suffered accidents and other medical catastrophes, the incident which gives rise to the legal claim can leave them suffering massive financial hardship. Fortunately, pre-settlement lawsuit funding, enables the injured to obtain cash funding even before their cases resolve.
For example, perhaps you suffered from medical malpractice and were injured during surgery. Your lawyer may be confident that you will win the case. However, the hospital and/or medical professionals, the “defendants” who did you harm, may put up an intense legal defense. It may take years for the lawsuit to be resolved. Yet, you may need surgery funding right now to correct the problems from your malpractice case.
To make matters worse, those with injuries that require more surgeries and treatments often may not have insurance or financial reserves to sufficiently cover the needed care and further time off from work. The best solution may be to obtain pre-settlement lawsuit funding to secure surgery funding or other lawsuit funding now. You have to pay back your litigation funding company only if you win the case. If the case does not resolve in your favor, you do not have to repay the pre-settlement lawsuit funding company.
In contrast, if you took out a traditional loan, you would have to pay back your lender no matter the outcome of your case. Even worse, banks do not give loans to lawsuit plaintiffs based on their expected lawsuit recovery. Most plaintiffs come to a litigation funding company when they cannot secure a loan from a bank or any other source, and need money now. Often, they are out of work from injuries.
Pre-settlement lawsuit funding can make the difference between successful recovery or continued illness and problems due to lack of funds. The ability to fully recover makes litigation financing the ideal way for plaintiffs in need of financing to get cash funding.
While surgery funding is a common option for people who use litigation financing, litigation financing can be used for virtually any expense. Legal financing is a great option, and sometimes the only option, for injured victims to ensure maximum recovery.
How can you get legal financing?
Call 1-800-LAW-CASH with any questions about your situation, or apply here for pre-settlement funding.